What is Phantom Peak?
Put simply, it’s an immersive, free-roam world that you can explore at your leisure.

The Town
The world you will enter is divided between the Old Town: Phantom Deeps and the New Town: Phantom Peak, spanning locations both in and outdoors (dependent on season).
Until recently Phantom Deeps was a small mining town with a local company, Miramine, which has been effectively stable for generations, mining a local quartz named Diamant.
However, the world of Phantom Deeps was recently disrupted by a new arrival in town: Jonas - the founder, director and generalised doyen of JONACO.
JONACO is the most powerful organisation in the entire world of Phantom Peak. It is the primary driver of scientific innovation: across mining, mechanics and metaphysics. Imagine a world where all breakthroughs came from one sole source and supposedly one man: that source would be JONACO; that man would be Jonas.
Jonas is charming, elusive, enigmatic, persuasive, and just a little bit dangerous. Half-conman, half-showman and all narcissism, he casts a shadow over the entire world that the flame of rebellion has yet to fully burn through.

The Townsfolk
During your visit to the town, you'll meet the inhabitants of Phantom Peak; some diehard loyalists to JONACO, some less enthusiastically so. Such is the price of PROGRESS! Through interacting with them, you'll discover hidden secrets and clues that will help you to navigate the world!

The Seasons
The experience runs seasonally, with four main shows per year, each with its own storylines and quests to complete. The main theme remains but exciting new elements are added each season - it’s like returning to a familiar town every few months: the world may be the same but something new and mysterious is happening that you need to help unearth!

The Adventure
Full of secretive quests and quirky characters, you experience the world through a custom-made made web-app (no downloads necessary!) that guides your adventure through man-made canals and a vast, split-level old town.